Many people think just because a computer does difficult things, it must be difficult to operate. Not so. At least not with PFS and PFS: REPORT.

PFS and PFS: REPORT let you concentrate on doing your work, not on working your computer. There's no complicated programming or computer language to leam. Using the PFS Series is so straightforward, you can leam it in as little as 20 minutes, and that's some- thing both experts and beginners can appreciate.

Design your own management system, simply.

PES lets you arrange your information in "forms" you design yourself. Once you've created your form— with spaces for all the necessary data— you simply fill in the blanks.

If you don't like the original form, PFS lets you change just the form, without having to totally re-enter the information on it.

To use your forms, just call up the information you want in a variety of ways such as "less thani' "more than," "equal to," "between" or "not." You can even find specific charac- ters, words, names or num-

40-column format to accommodate larger printouts, and tell you how much room you have left on your disk. Get more out of what you put in.

PFS: REPORT sorts, calculates, totals, formats and prints presentation-qualify reports with up to 9 col- umns, in alpha or numeric order, with automatic entering and justification. With your information in this format, you can analyze it quickly to help spot trends, plan and make decisions.

A whole family of software for Apple® II and III.

PFS consistently ranks among the 5 top-selling business software packages for Apples. Because you can use it for almost anything— from chemical analyses to keeping track of your wine collection, from bal- ancing your checkbook to computing your payroll. And there are more programs on the way.

For a free, hands-on demonstration of PFS and PFS: REPORT, stop by your local computer store. If ^ ^ ^ they don't have it yet, tell them to

rf S.fuWOI'Kin^' ^^11 Software Publishing Corpora-

^^.^^ ^^^^^ 962-8910. Or write

software for Apples ^y'^^r^'"^-

You'll be amazed at how much you can bite off.

sort labels, change its that isn't a lot of work.

rtS; Software Saies

® Apple is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. '" PFS is a trademark of Software Publishing Corporation.



( o n T E n



Exec Sir-tech: Wizzing to the Top

Two families, a friend, and a group called WARG are sending ffiousands fo fhe dungeons wi'f/i glee.


Peeking and Poking the Apple III

Apple said if couldn't and needn'f be done; buf Dr. Jeppson found a way io do if wiih surprising rewards.


Down on the Ol' Apple(run) Form

A cenfury ago, if took nearly ftalf of our population to feed us all; today tfiat task is tfie responsibility of a relative few more and more of whom are using Apples to fielp.


Word Processing: An Active Guy on on Easy Writer

Freelance writing is fun and awful: your time is your own but your workday never ends. For one suc/i loner. Easy Writer provides an answer.


Exploring the Explorotorium: Museum of the Future

Forget tf)e roped-off and glassed- in exfiibits, tf)e hushed tones and musty atmosphere. Get set for the hands-on, try-it-out, it-all-moves museum run by Apples.



Twenty-Six Miles Across the Sea MIKE FERRIS 66

Santa Catalina is waiting for me and you, with an Apple fo show us around.

Summer Festival of Software 103

Reviews, reviews, reviewsl Especially for sultry August computing, accompanied by crickets.

VisiCalc's Newest, Biggest, Baby Brother JOE SHELTON 186

Single keystrokes, lower case, eighty-column display but the newest VisiCalc is only for the III.

Contest: Why Not Kumquat? 2

Contest Winners 4

Fostolk 8

Open Discussion 20

Basic Solution, by David Durkee 30

Ventures with VisiCalc, by Joe Shelton 50

The Third Basic, by Taylor Pohlman 56

Graphically Speaking, by Mark Pelczorski 60

Schoolhouse Apple, by Jean Varven 79

Marketolk News 84

Assembly Lines, by Roger Wagner 122

The Pascal Path, by Jim Merritt


SoftCard Symposium, by Greg Tibbetts Mind Your Business, by Peter Olivieri . . Beginners' Corner,

by Christopher U. Light

Hardtalk, by Jeffrey Mozur


All About Applesoft, by Doug Carlston

DOStalk, by Bert Kersey


.135 .142 .146 .153

.163 .168 .176 .179 .182 .191

W NEXT H O H T UiS \ () t \ K \ ]l

H b L X O T T

Creative Software 88

DataMost 69, 7S, 165

Data Security Concepts 166

Decision Support Software 52

Edu-Ware Services 18-19

Evasco 149

Financial Software 51

FllpTrack 173

Gold Disk Software 107

Great Lakes Digital 171

Hayden 120-121

High Order Micro Electronics 21

Howard Software 15S

Human Systems Dynamics 27

Hutton Industries 20

Interactive Mlcroware 122

Kensington Mlcroware 43-45

Krell Software 80

LAMA Software Directory 79

Last Electronics 170

Laumer Research 116

Legend 90

Lightning Software 195

Link Systems 85

LJK Enterprises 113

L & S Computerware 123

Mark Four Imports 188

Masterworks Software 152

Micro D 78, 190

1^ V C & T

MlcroMotlon 154

Microsoft 12-13, 35, 87

Muse Software 10, 133, 194

Novation 151

Omega 58, 172

On-Llne Systems 95-102, Cover 4

Orange Micro 157

Orange Stand 104

Pascal Systems 134

Peelings II 25

Penguin Software 5

Phoenix Software 62, 118

Practical Peripherals 6-7

Program Design 81

Prometheus 127

Quality Software 161

Quentln Research 29, 49

Rainbow Computing 36, 164, 192

RH Electronics 37

Saber Software 31

Saturn Systems 169

Sensible Software Ill, 119

SIr-tech 63, 65, 180

Smith Micro Software 26

Sof/Sys 92

Softalk 15, 86

Softdlsk 125


Microsystems . .135, 137, 139, 141, 143, 145

\ \ ^ i \

Software City 23

Software Publishing Company . . . Cover 2

Sorrento Valley 115

Southern California Research Grp . . . .109

Southwestern Data Systems 83, 89, 94

Southwest Microcomputer 117

Spectrum Software 61

SRA 129, 131

S8M Microcomputer 40

Stoneware 53

Strategic Simulations Cover 3

Strawberry Tree 106

Strictly Soft Ware 166

SubLoglc 181

Syncom 11

Systems Design Lab 126

Telesoft 24

TG Products 179

Thunderware 59

Universal Systems for

Education 82

Venture Software 28

VlslCorp 41

Votrax 105

Word-Power 34

XComp 178

Yucalpa Software 50



Advanced Logic

Adventure International . . .

Allen Group


Apple Computer /Accessory

Products Division



Avalanche Prods



Beagle Bros

Bench Collection

Blue Lakes Software

The Book Company

Bourbon Street Press

BREM Enterprises



C & H Video

Classified Ads

Com-Pute Services

Continental Software


Crane Software

. 22 .196 .160 .162 .167 .175

91, 93




.183, 185, 187













3, 193

124, 132



John Haller


Al Tommervlk


Margot Comstock


Art Director

Kurt A. Wahlner

Managing Editor

Pat Ryall

Associate Editors

Jean Varven

Andrew Christie

Newspeak Editor

David Hunter

Special Assignments

Jonathan Miller

Open Discussion

Tommy Gear

News and Contest Editor

Matthew T. Yuen


Jim Salmons

Dave Eitzgerald

Assistant Editors

Michael Ferris

David Durkee


Contributing Editors

Assembly Language

Roger Wagner


Jim Merrltt


Peter Ollvlerl

Apple CP/M

Greg Tlbbetts

Apple III

Taylor Pohlman


Jeffrey Mazur


Doug Carlston


Kenneth Landls


Bert Kersey

Klark Pelczarski

FMnfl.ncl8.1 ^todclin^

Joe Shelton

^nrisiopner u. Lilgnt

will. V. n, omiiti

Associate Publisher

Mary Sue Rennells


Evelyn Burke

Production Coordinator

Elaine Cohen


Steven M. Poncar

Assistant to

the Publisher

Dan Yoder


West Coast Sales

Jo Hilliard


10021 Magnolia Boulevard

North Hollywood, CA 91601

(213) 980-5074

East Coast Sales

Paul McGlnnis

Paul McGinnls


60 East 42nd Street

New York, NY 10017

(212) 490-1021

Midwest and

Rocky Mountain Sales

Ted Rlckard

John Sienklewlcz



435 LiOCust Road

(312) 251-2541

Book and Poster Sales

Afary A^lam


Trial Subscriptions

Hal Schick

Paid Subscriptions

Pam Kelley

Dealer Sales

Donna Siebert

Back Issues

Ron Rennells


Dlerdre Booth

Lois Stickelmaler

Judy Weinstein


Sam Pawley

SOI \nv


Guest Reviewers: Roe R. Adams, Dale Archibald, Phillip Good, Karen Kleiner, Jock Root, R. Jon Ruppert, Robert Woodhead and Rob Wray.

Cover Photo: Farming, Iowa-style, with a cultivator. Webster Qty, Iowa, by Laura Rudkins.

Composition by Photographies, Hollywood, California. Printing by Volkmuth Printers, Saint Cloud, Minnesota.

Apple and Applesoft are registered trademarks of Ap- ple Computer Inc., Cupertino, California.

UCSD Pascal is a trademark of the University of Cali- fornia at San Diego.

VisiCalc is a trademark of VlsiCorp, San Jose, Califor- nia.

SoftCard is a trademark of Microsoft, Bellevue, Wash- ington.

Softalk. Volume 2, Number 12. Copyright ®1982 by Sof- talk Publishing Inc. All rights reserved. ISSN:0274-9629. Softalk is published monthly by Softalk Publishing Inc., 11021 Magnolia Boulevard, North Hollywood, CA 91601; telephone (213 ) 980-5074. Second-class postage paid at North Hollywood, CA, and additional mailing offices.

Postmaster: Send address changes to Softalk, 11021 Magnolia Boulevard, North Hollywood. CA 91601.

Free Subscription: Complimentary trial subscription to all owners of Apple computers in the USA. If you own an Apple, but you've never received Softalk, send your name, address, and Apple serial number with a request for sub- scription to Softalk Circulation, 11021 Magnolia Boule- vard, North Hollywood, CA 91801. Softalk is totally Inde- pendent of Apple Computer Inc.; sending your warranty card to Apple Computer will not inform Softalk of your ex- istence.

Paid Subscription: $24 per year without sponsor, $18 per year with sponsor. At the end of trial period, each sub- scriber will be notified; response is required only if you wish to continue receiving Softalk, Lack of response will be taken as your choice to discontinue the magazine. Special rates for schools and libraries, $8; multiple subscriptions for schools and libraries, $5 each.

Back Issues: $2 through February 1981 ; $2.50 from April 1981 through July 1981 ; $3.50 thereafter. October, Novem- ber, and December 1980 and January, February, March, September, October, and November 1981 are sold out.

Problems? If you haven't received your Softalk by the fifteenth of the month, or if you have other problems with your subscription, Pam Kelley or Hal Schick can help out. Call (213) 980-5074.

Moving? Send new address and old to Softalk Circula- tion, 11021 Magnolia Boulevard, North Hollywood, CA 91601; telephone (213) 980-5074.

Last month we brought you the ori- gins of some of those apparently off-the- wall names that companies give them- selves and their products, but one name was suspiciously missing. Apple! What the heck is this magazine all about, anyway?

How anyone can use an Apple and not wonder where the name came from is be- yond us. This month's contest invites you to provide an answer. Quite simply, tell us your version of how the Apple got its name.

If you've read articles about the Ap- ple or its creators in other newspapers, magazines, or journals, you probably have an idea of how Woz and Jobs de- cided on such a whimsical name for such a fanciful creation. Forget them. We're not interested in truth for this contest ; we want to see how creative you can be.

For those of you with a creative flair who missed out on last November's Art Gallery contest because: (a) you weren't a Softalk reader back then, (b) you can't draw, or (c) you thought HGR meant "handy game routines," here's your chance to shine.

And we do mean shine. Really let yourself go! If you're good with rhymes, you might write your answer in a poem, a song (include sheet music, if you like), a limerick, or a sonnet done in iambic pen- tameter. Monologues, dialogues, essays, and dramatic scenarios are equally ac- ceptable. Whatever form you decide on, decide fast, because September 15 is coming up soon, and that's when all en-

tries must be in the mail.

This month the random number gen- erator gets a rest; Softalk's contest staff will judge all entries and come up with one winner. Entries will be judged on imagination and creativity. (In the case of a tie, the contest staff will fight it out.)

The winner will receive $100 worth of goods from Softalk advertisers, to be col- lected at the winner's local computer store.

Entries must be at least twenty-five words long, but not longer than two dou- ble-spaced pages. If you can't type (via printer or typewriter), then print neatly. Verrry neatly. We can't be responsible if we can't read your writing.

Sound like fun? You bet. So get those creative juices flowing, and send us your fantasy version of why your computer isn't a Kumquat n Plus.

All entries must be postmarked by midnight, September 15, 1982.

Name :

Address :

aty. State, Zip:

Phone :


If I win, I want:. Yours truly,.

and I want it now!


Mail this entry form or a facsimile with your entry to Softalk Kumquats, 11021 Magnolia Boulevard, North Hollywood, CA 91601, by September 15, 1982.

1st Class Main It does everything but lick the stamp.

We've made a mailing list program worthy of today's remarkable microcomputers. It's called 1st Chss Mail™ but you can use it for anything you'd keep on a card file, like your car's servicing history or your address book. And it's not only the most flexible mail list/ utility data base you can buy it's also incredibly easy to use.

You create the label.

Since you're not stuck with the same old name/ company/ street/ etc. format, you can make the label look like what- ever you want. And with the new feature that lets you print right on your ' envelopes, you not only

save time you give your correspondence a very professional look.

Super search and sort.

1st Class Mail™ lets you search and sort in any of 12 different categories. So you can organize your mailings by zip code (up to 10 digits), alpha- betical order, state, company, any way you want. Fast. And if you're using 1st Class Mail™ loT another type of data base , like a record

collection, you can sort by whatever categories you choose from String Quartets to Rhythym and Blues. It's extremely flexible.


Personalized entries.

One of the ways we've made 1st Class Mail™ especially "user friendly" is by letting you create your own headings for each entry line. So your computer speaks your language.

The form letter feature.

1st Class Mail™ is compatible with many word processors, such as Screenwriter II™ Applewriter II ^ Applewriter III™ Pie Writer,™ and WordStar /Mailmerge™ Just a few simple commands and you can combine your form letters with your mailing list for pro- ^\ fessionally formatted documents. j All automatically.

Automatic entry.

If time is money, this feature translates minutes directly into dollars. It automatically includes, or searches for, particular categories^ in each entry you record. Repetitive typing and sorting becomes a push-button joy.

The special message line.

Now you can put a special message anywhere on the label in a choice of type styles. Whether you're saying ATTENTION: SALES MAN- AGER or MERRY' CHRISTMAS! you can do it automat- ically. And right on the envelope.

Stop by your Continental Software dealer. Or call us today to find out all about 1st Class Mail™ No matter what you're cataloging, from a household inventory for insurance purposes to a 25,000 person mailing list, 1st Class Mail™ is the best program you can buy.

It's true, you still have to lick the stamp.

But we're working on it.

Available for: Apple 11^ Apple IIFVIII with Profiler IBM-PC™/IBM-PC with Tecmar™ hard disk/IBM-PC with Davong™ hard disk.

Apple II/II + , Applewriter II, Applewriter III are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Screenwriter II is a registered trademark of On-Line Systems. Pie Writer is a registered trademark of Hayden Book Co. WordStar Mailmerge is a registered trademark of MicroPro, Inc. Tecmar is a registered trademark of Tecmar, Inc. Davong is a registered trademark of Davong Systems, Inc. IBM-PC is a registered trademark of IBM Corp.



Continental Software, 11223 South Hindry Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90045, Telephone (213) 417-8031


i TA I If


Contest Winners:

Trivia Trump

Wins Second Drive

The First Great AppleTrivia Contest.

We have a winner! Carl Webb of Vista, California, is now a two-drive man. Webb responded correctly to thirty-three of the fifty "devilishly hard" trivia questions to win the March contest. On a straight curve, that's a D-l- , and in this case the D stands for "disk drive."

"The fiendish contest drove me out of my mind for months," Webb wrote on his entry. But Webb will be the one doing the driving from now on with his new Apple disk drive.

Ken Karleskint from San Luis Obis- po, California, was Trivia's runner-up, and he will receive $50 worth of goods by Sof talk's advertisers. Karleskint was not far behind the winner, having answered twenty-seven questions correctly.

The third, fourth, and fifth place win- ners were Harvest Collier, Midland, Michigan; Joseph C. Gamer, Black- duck, Minnesota; and Judson Cohan, Los Angeles, California. They each will re- ceive an extra year's free subscription to Softalk.

Here are the correct answers to the trivia quiz:




Spiders, Lips, Wolves, and





The Apple; the computer







Greg Bloom


John Updike


A or upward arrow




-12 V


Underline and vertical bar


Inventors, founders of Apple




Torricella, Molinetto, Fontanile,

Santa Paravia, and Flumaccio

16. Fourteen

17. muMath-80

18. "Summertime"

19. Pink

20. Klarnons

21. Eddie's Dragon Beast

22. Apples

23. Two dogs

24. A bird

25. Imponderable

26. Twenty- four

27. X Hook

28. Nothing

29. Monkeys unlock the door

30. Bill Depew

31. Trident

32. Scarab

33. Haka, Keetse, Juma, and Lanai

34. Invisible

35. Fishhead

36. Four

37. Notre Dame

38. * (asterisk)

39. 50 MPH

40. ! (exclamation mark)

41. 40 seconds

42. Shirley Chisholm

43. Drassa 2

44. Mark Allen

45. Heaves

46. "Yoho"

47. Twenty-six

48. Clears the screen and sends cursor to upper left comer

49. 23,487

50. Trendcom

Dig the Decades. Brian Crowley of Hawthorne, California, correctly identi- fied all fifty-five caricatures from the "Fritz the Cat" story to win the May con- test. Of the twenty perfect entries that were run through the random number generator, Crowley's surfaced as the winner.

Crowley will receive $100 worth of goods through his local dealer. Value Sales of Lawndale, California. His shop- ping list includes Verbatim disks and the Epson graphics chip. Crowley says he worked for about five hours on the con- test and had to search through old copies of Softalk to identify the Apple personali- ties.

Many entries fell just one short of be- ing perfect. Shame on those of you who failed to identify number fifty-five! In case you're still wondering about the identities of the caricatures, here they are :

by David Luhar kind Mark Pelczarski

Paint on your computer in over 100 colors with 96 different brushes! Magnify mode for precision touch- ups; mirror image; color reverses; move any part of picture anywhere; packing routine for increased disk storage of any standard graphics screen. Can be used by anyone. Paddle/joystick $39.95. Apple Graphics Tablet $69.95.

penguin software

for the Designer


by Mark Pelczarski

Everything needed for computer-aided design. Easily draw and design in two or three dimensions, mix text and graphics freely, define shapes and create typefaces with unique character generator. Great for presentations, videotape displays, storing designs on disks, graphics for other programs, or just for experimentation. Paddle/joystick $69.95, Apple Graphics Tablet $119.95. 50 additional fonts, $19.95.

830 4th Avenue, Geneva, Illinois 60134 (312) 232-1984

i products arc now on iinproiccrcti tlisks for yc

, for the Programmer

*E ^Graphics magician

Pelczarski by Mark Pelczarski, David Lubar, and Chris Jochumson .

r-aided Add fast, smooth animation and hund-

two reds of pictures to your programs.

1 Create animated shapes and draw

1 paths; have up to 32 independently '

racter controlled figures on screen. Use a

IS, special palette of over 100 colors to

IS on create pictures and objects in highly

s, or compressed format. Easy to use, and , ,,

)ystick includes a special programming tu-

19.95. torial. Has saved months in develop- , ment time for several games already on the market. Paddle/joystick $59.95,

M984 Apple Graphics Tablet $69.95.

Apple U is a trademark of Apple Comjiiilcr.lnc! ';' ..^^ ' >




As you know, your computer drives your printer. And when it's performing this function, you can't use it for anything else.

A program that takes fifteen minutes to print makes you wait fifteen minutes before you can compute again. And if it takes two hours to print, you wait two hours.

A waste of valuable time.


Microbuffer allows you to print and process simultaneously. No waiting!



Microbuffer first stores the data in its own memory buffer and then takes control of your printer. This frees the computer for more productive functions.

Additional output may be dumped to the buffer at any time and it will be printed in turn.


The full line of Microbuffers is designed to accommodate virtually any computer/printer combination.

Microbuffers are available in Centronics-compatible parallel or RS-232C serial versions.

FOR APPLE II COMPUTERS, Microbuffer II features on-board firmware for text formatting and advanced graphics dump routines. Both serial and parallel versions have very low power consumption. Special functions include Basic listing formatter, self-test, buffer zap, and transparent and maintain modes. The 16K model is priced at $259 and the 32K, at $299.

FOR EPSON PRINTERS, Microbuffer starts at $159 in either an 8K serial or a 16K parallel version. The serial buffer supports both hardware handshaking and XON- XOFF/ETX-ACK software hand- shaking at baud rates up to 19,200. Both Epson interfaces are compatible with all Epson com- mands including GRAFTRAX-80. Both are user-expandable to 32K.

ALL OTHER COMPUTER/PRINTER COMBINATIONS are served by the in-line, stand-alone Microbuffers.

Both serial and parallel versions are expandable up to 256K. The serial stand-alone will support different input and output baud rates and handshake protocol. The 32K model starts at $299, 64K for $349. 64K add-ons for up to a total of 256K are just $179.00.


Microbuffer II, being slot- independent, will fit into any slot directly inside the Apple except zero.

Microbuffer for your Epson mounts easily in the existing auxiliary slot directly inside the Epson printer.

The stand-alone Microbuffer is installed in-line between virtually any computer and any printer.


When you think of how much

time Microbuffer will save,

can you afford to not have one?




F-A S— T— A-I^K

Fastalk is your quick guide to popular, spe- cialized, or classic software. Programs ap- pearing in Fastalk must meet one or more of the following criteria: (1) equal or surpass in sales the least-selling program to appear on any of the ciu-rent bestseller lists; (2) relate to a specialized subject area and be in general distribution (more specialized packages and areas will be included as Fastalk matures) ; (3) be new and of professional quality (such programs will be carried for one month only after that, they must meet other criteria for inclusion) ; (4) stand out as extraordinary.

Designation as a classic is noted by a bul- let preceding a program's title.

Where opinion is expressed. Softalk has seen the software in question; the date of Sof- talk's review, if any, is given at the end of the item.

Softalk may arbitrarily omit any package from Fastalk, whether or not it meets the fore- going criteria.


Adventure. Crowther/Woods. The original text adventure, created on mainframe, con- tributed to by many over a long time. Very logical within fantasy framework, excellent puzzles, maps; complex, convoluted, and great. Solving problems takes precedence over life /death peril. Several publishers: Mi- crosoft, 10700 Northup Way, Bellevue, WA 98004. $28.95. Apple Computer, 10260 Band- ley Dr., Cupertino, CA 95014. $35. Frontier Computing, Box 402, 666 N. Main, Logan, UT 84321. $10.

Cyborg. Berlyn. Text adventure with brief ac- tion skill game hidden in plot. As a futuristic cyborg— half human, half computer— you're lost in a strange forest, desperately needing food and power; find them while seeking clues to your location and purpose not un- like real life. None of the happenings are ran- dom; the game contains the pleasures of a good book. In its realism and use of true plot, it represents one of the most significant ad- vances in adventuring since the original Ad- venture began the genre. Sentient, Box 4929, Aspen, CO 81612. $32.95. 11/81.

Deadline. Blank/Lebllng. Episode one in a projected series of murder mysteries by the authors of Zork. Interrogate, accuse, make transcripts. Includes inspector's casebook, lab report. Infocom, 55 Wheeler St., Cam- bridge, MA 02138. $49.95.

Escape from Rungistan. A vacation with a vengeance. Get out of jail, battle snakes, bears, and cannibals; acquire skills to get your money refunded. Slrius, 10364 Rocking- ham Dr., Sacramento, CA 95827. $29.95.

Hi-Res Adventure #1 : Mystery House. Wil- liams. Whodunit in a Victorian mansion. First adventure with pictures. More than 300- word vocabulary. On-Line, 36575 Mudge Ranch Rd., Coarsegold, CA 93614. $24.95.

Hl-Res Adventure gt: The Wizard and the Princess. Williams/Williams. Attempt to rescue princess from vengeful wizard fea- tures 250 illustrations in full color. On-Line, 36575 Mudge Ranch Rd., Coarsegold, CA 93614. $32.95. 11/80.

Hi-Res Adventure #3: Cranston Manor. De- Witz/Williams. More full-color adventuring involving the redistribution of wealth. Long on great riddles, short on plot. On-Line, 36575 Mudge Ranch Rd., Coarsegold, CA 93614. $34.95. 9/81.

Hi-Res Adventure ifi: Ulysses and the Golden Fleece. Davis/Williams. Re-creation of the Greek legend, featuring graphics advances and ability to communicate with the charac- ters. On-Line, 36575 Mudge Ranch Rd., Coarsegold, CA 93614. $34.95. 12/81.

Kabul Spy. Wilson. Cold war espionage ad- venture in which you must slip into Afghan- istan to rescue a physicist before the com- mies make him talk. Sirius, 10364 Rocking- ham Dr., Sacramento, CA 95827. $34.95.

The Prisoner. Mullich. Superb TV series captured in computer game. Escape from an island requires player to solve logical puz- zles, overcome obstacles, and answer rid- dles. Excellent computer fare; nothing else like it. Edu-Ware, Box 22222, Agoura, CA 91301. $29.95. 3/81.

Swordthrust. Brown. Series of adventures, seven so far, that integrate fantasy role-play- ing. Create one character, make new friends in each adventure, battle monsters and achieve goals together. Good stories, fun to map, vocabulary no mystery but puzzles are. Single character goes through all. CE Software, 801 73rd St., Des Moines, lA 50312. Number 1 prerequisite for rest. Each ad- venture, $29.95.

Time Zone. Williams/Williams. "Microepic" hi-res adventure featuring ten periods from past and future history all over world and universe on eight double-sided disks. Good puzzles, many dangers. On-Llne, 36575 Mudge Ranch Rd., Ctoarsegold, CA 93614. $99.95. 1/82.

Zork. Lebling/Blank. Part one of mainframe adventure; understands complete com- pound sentences and questions. Simultane- ous manipulation of objects. Text. Infocom, 55 Wheeler St., Cambridge, MA 02138. $39.95. 6/81.

Zork II. Lebling/Blank. Zork comes into its own in sequence. Great text adventure tech- nique and communication. Infocom, 55 Wheeler St., Cambridge, MA 02138. $39.95.



Accounting Plus II. Software Dimensions. In- tegrated package: general ledger, accounts receivable and payable, and Inventory /pur- chasing modules. Basic and machine language. Menu driven; prompting. Sys- tems Plus, 3975 E. Bayshore Dr., Palo Alto, CA 94303. $995.

Apple Plot. Converts numerical data into graphs; stores on hi-res page or prints out. VisiCalc interface. Apple Computer, 10260 Bandley Dr., Cupertino, CA 95014. $70.

Asset Manager. Calculates depreciation using current balance; chooses depreciation rep- resenting greatest savings. Handles up to 999 assets. Micro Lab, 2310 Skokie Valley Rd., Highland Park, IL 60035. $200.

BPI Accounts Receivable. Ferguson. Operates

as open item or balance forward system for statement preparation, aging reports, and extensive credit analysis. Apple Computer, 10260 Bandley Dr., Cupertino, CA 95014. $395. BPI General Ledger. Accounting system for small businesses automates posting of ledgers, financial statements preparation, and closing of books. Includes integrated ac- counts receivable and payable and all sub- sidiary ledgers for payroll accounting. Cus- tomized set of books can be constructed from available Journals and ledgers. Apple Com- puter, 10260 Bandley Dr., Cupertino, CA 95014. $395.

Creative Financing. Evaluates loans and in- vestments, provides R-O-I projections, pay- ment tables, and objective decisions. How- ard Software, 8008 Glrard Ave., Ste. 310, La Jolla, CA 92037. $195.

Datadex. General purpose database manager able to perform specific applications. File generation and report utilities allow defini- tion of file structure and appearance of re- ports. Information Unlimited Software, 281 Arlington Ave., Berkeley, CA 94707. $150. 9/81.

The Data Factory. Passauer. Database man- agement system allows listing files, getting file statistics, selecting another file, trans- ferring records to new database, and adding fields to update forms. Disk swapping re- quired; excellent product overall. Several compatible products available. Micro Lab, 3218 Skokie Valley Rd., Highland Park, IL 60035. $150. 8/81.

Data Reporter. Allows plotting of data in vari- ous charts and graphs ; stores data segment- ed by up to thirty-five fields. Machine lan- guage search and sort. Synergistic, 830 N. Riverside Dr., Ste. 201, Renton, WA 98055. $220.

DB Master. Comprehensive database man- agement system with password protection, extensive report creation options. Up to 1,020 characters per record. Stoneware, 50 Belve- dere St., San Rafael, CA 94901. $229. 10/81.

dBase II. Speedy relational database man- agement system. Requires SoftCard. Ash- ton-Tate, 9929 Jefferson Blvd., Culver City, CA 90230. $700.

Desktop Planner. Models and analyzes bud- gets, profits and losses, sales forecasts, cash flow; "what if?" calculations. VisiCorp, 2895 Zanker Rd., San Jose, CA 95134. $250.

General Ledger. Automatic double entry, complete audit trails. Menu driven. Conti- nental Software, 11223 S. Hindry Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90045. $175.

General Manager. Database program that al- lows economic projections, search and se- lect options, and screen formatting for data entry. On-Line, 36575 Mudge Ranch Rd., Coarsegold, CA 93614. $99.95.

Information Master. Database management program that can keep records sorted in five separate orders simultaneously. High Tech- nology, Box S-14665, Oklahoma Qty, OK 73113. $150.

MicroFinesse. Pascal-based spreadsheet from England. Handles models of up to 5,000 cells, makes automatic "what if?" calculations. Easy to use. Osbome/McGraw Hill, 630 Ban- croft Way, Berkeley, CA 94710. $495. 7/82.



Personal Filing System. User controls data in totally unstructured database. Up to thirty- two pages (screens) of information in each record. Software Publishing Corp., 1901 Landings Dr., Mountain View, CA 94043. $96. 10/80.

PFS: Graph. Chin/Hill. Works alone or inter- faces with PFS databases and VisiCalc files. Produces bar, line, and pie charts merging data from several sources. Software Pub- lishing Corp., 1901 Landings Dr., Mountain View, CA 94043. $125.

PFS: Report. Powerful report generator de- signed for use with PFS. Sorts, calculates, to- tals, formats, prints presentation-quality columnar reports. Software Publishing Corp., 1901 Landings Dr., Mountain View, CA 94043. $95. 10/81.

Systems II EX. Fully integrated, eleven-mod- ule business accounting package. Sorts and updates accounts: general ledger, payroll, inventory. Optional modules. Westware, 2455 S.W. 4th St., Ontario, OR 97914. $1,495.

VC-Manager. Chapman. VisiCalc utility en- abling performance of arithmetic opera- tions on up to fifteen models at once and ad- dition of one model to another. Micro De- cision Systems, Box 1392, Pittsburgh, PA 15219. $65.

VersaForm. Business forms generator for in- voicing, mailing lists, sales analysis, inven- tory. Hard disk compatible. Applied Soft- ware Technology, 15985 Greenwood Rd., Monte Sereno, CA 95030. $389.

VisiCalc. Bricklin/Frankston. Electronic worksheet for any problem involving num- bers, rows, and columns. No programming necessary. VisiCorp, 2895 Zanker Rd., San Jose, CA 95134. $250. 10/80.

VisiCalc Format Aids. Four programs any VisiCalc user would welcome: label splitter, formula reader, print-file reader, and vari- able-width reader. Data Security Concepts, Box 31044, Des Peres, MO 63131. $44.95.

VislFile. Creative Computer/Jameson/Her- man. Database management system for or- ganization and retrieval of information, al- lowing sort and modification of records. Visi- Corp, 2895 Zanker Rd., San Jose, CA 95134. $250.

VisiPlot. Kapor. Hi-res plotting and graphics package. VisiCorp, 2895 Zanker Rd., San Jose, CA 95134. $179.95. 7/81.

VislTran. Use to create Basic exec files to transfer variables to VisiCalc. Requires some Applesoft programming. ADC Asso- ciates, 960 San Antonio Rd., Palo Alto, CA 94303. $99.

VisiTrend/VisiPlot. Kapor. Combines Visi- Plot graphics with time-series manipula- tion, trend forecasting, and descriptive sta- tistics. VisiCorp, 2895 Zanker Rd., San Jose, CA 95134. $259.95. 7/81.

VisiSchedule. Critical path PERT schedule planner. VisiCorp, 2895 Zanker Rd., San Jose, CA 95134. $300.


ASCII Express. Blue. Modem software pro- vides automatic redial, individual macro files, and improved file transfer capabili- ties. Sends any DOS file; uploads one char- acter or one line at a time. Included utilities convert Integer Basic, Applesoft, or binary programs into text files. Southwestern Data, Box 582, Santee, CA 92071. $79.95. 9/81.

Data Capture 4.0. Copiable/modifiable smart terminal program; compatible with Apple III and most lower-ciise adapters. South-

eastern Software, 6414 Derbyshire Dr., New Orleans, LA 70126. $66.

VisiTerm. Well-planned, comprehensive. Hi- res sixty-character display; wide range of protocols for sending text. VisiCorp, 2896 Zanker Road, San Jose, CA 95134. $129. 9/8L

Z-Term. Blue. Flexible, customizable com- munications software written specifically for the CP/M Apple. A quality package. South- western Data, Box 582, Santee, CA 92071. $99.95. 5/81.

merchants; and more. Synergistic, 830 N. Riverside Dr., Ste. 201, Renton, WA 98056. $17.50.

Wizardry. Greenberg/Woodhead. Ultimate role-playing fantasy; ten-level maze in hi- res. Generate twenty characters, six at a time on expeditions. Gripping game superb- ly produced. Sir-tech, 6 Main St., Ogdena- burg, NY 13669. $49.96. 8/81.


Apventure to Atlantis. Clardy. The sequel and worthy successor to Odyssey. Many refine- ments. Including recruitable entourage of wizards with Individual attributes. Included cheat sheet Is invaluable. Synergistic, 830 N. Riverside Dr., Ste. 201, Renton, WA 98065. $40. 6/82.

Beneath Apple Manor. Worth. The original dungeon game for the Apple, created in 1978. Even in lo-res, it still stands up. Quality, 6660 Reseda Blvd., Ste. 106, Reseda, CA 91336. $19.95.

Curse of Ra. Expansion module to (and re- quires) Temple of Apshai. Find the magic treasure guarded by the demons of Ra; over- come the curse. Automated Simulations, Box 4247, Mountain View, CA 94040. $19.96.

Crush, Crumble and Chomp. Freeman/Con- nelley/Farren. Choose your persona from among six made-in-Japan-type monsters or grow your own, place it in one of world's ma- jor cities, and select game objective. Losing is odd sensation; since you're the monster, it's an emotional tradeoff. Automated Simu- lations, Box 4247, Mountain View, CA 94040. $29.95.

Danger in Drindisti. Expansion module to

(and requires) Hellfire Warrior. Find the pattern to the glass wizard's maze ; steal his magical staff. Automated Simulations, Box 4247, Mountain View, CA 94040. $19.96.

Hellfire Warrior. Freeman/Johnson. Part two of Temple of Apshai; faster, with more op- tions and specific goal. Automated Simula- tions, 1901 Old Middlefleld, Mountain View, CA 94043. $29.96. 12/80.

Knight of Diamonds. Second scenario of Wiz- ardry, requiring thirteenth-level characters from the original. Individual quests on each of six dungeon levels. Great. Sir-tech, 6 Main St., Ogdensburg, NY 13669. $34.96. 7/82.

Odyssey: The Compleat Apventure. Clardy. Fantasy adventure far beyond one place and one setting. Castles, catacombs, an ocean voyage, and the orb of power. Synergistic, 830 N. Riverside Dr., Ste. 201, Renton, WA 98055. $30. 10/80.

Temple of Apshai. Lead title in Dunjonquest series, winner 1981 Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts and Design "Computer Game of the Year" award. Automated Simula- tions, 1901 Old Middlefleld, Mountain View, CA 94043. $39.95.

Trallblazer. Metagaming. Multlplayer adap- tation of the space exploration and com- merce game. Good lesson in resource man- agement. Zeta Systems, 1725 Adelaide Blvd., Akron, OH 44305. $29.96. 7/82.

Ultima. British. Hi-res color adventure, pro- gressing from Middle Ages to beyond the space age. A meisterpiece. California Pa- cific, 1615 Fifth St., Davis, CA 95616. $39.96. 6/81.

Wilderness Campaign. Clardy. First fan- tasy game to leave the dungeon for the great outdoors ; first in hi-res ; first to bargain with


Accu-Shapes. Generates Apple shape tables. Uses lo-res to shape and edit, displays in hi- res. Accent, 3750 Wright PI., Palo Alto, CA 94306. $49.95.

Apple World. Projects and rotates 3-D color images on screen In true perspective, draw- ing up to 65,000 points per side. Includes screen-oriented text editor for image for- mation. United Software of America, 750 Third Ave., New York, NY 10017. $69.96.

Bill Budge's 3-D Graphics System. Budge. In- teractive graphics system allowing game programmers to add 2-D or 3-D animation to their programs. California Pacific, 1616 5th St., Davis, CA 95616. $39.95.

The Complete Graphics System II. Pelczar- ski. A wealth of graphics tools at a reason- able price. Make 2-D drawings with game paddles, add text in destructive, non-de- structive, or reverse modes, create 3-D fig- ures with a panel module, and shape tables with a shape module. Manual features com- plete outline of command structure. Pen- gruin, 830 4th Ave., Geneva, IL 60134. Paddle- joystick version, $69.95; Apple Graphics Tab- let version, $119.95. 7/81.

GraForth. Lutus. A graphics language rewrit- ten for maximum speed. Plotting, line, text display, character image, and high speed 3- D graphics, with variety of colors and draw- ing options. Includes music synthesizer. In- soft, 10175 S.W. Barbur Blvd., Ste. 202-B, Portland, OR 97219. $75.

GPS. Versatile graphics program. Creates, manipulates, and edits images like a word processor. Easy to use ; in standard and pro- fessional formats. Stoneware, 50 Belvedere St., San Rafael, CA 94901. $59.95, $99.99.

Graphics A2-3D1. High-speed 3-D animation package to guide beginner through scene creation, storage, retrieval, movement, and advanced applications. SubLoglc, 713 Edge- brook