r 494 Onze shiek?
ZOU WW Ee LG rrr S
Author of ‘The Sportsman's Handbook,” &c.
Ea heal a aa i ap
Y object in producing this book is to start a record
of Horn Measurements of the Great Game of the Rvord. ‘1 only reoret that I did mot commence itvat, am earlier date, as it would then have been more complete. But im my earlier life I had but littleshelp, and often worked thirty hours at a stretch; my work necessitated attention to specimens that demanded immediate treat- ment, and my love for reproducing life-like studies prevented
me from keeping records.
The measurements presented here have been taken re- cently by one hand and, for that reason, I value them the more. The dimensions from acknowledged authorities I am not responsible for. This book is not designed to be in any way a scientific work, but it is prepared for gentlemen sportsmen and scientific men who are interested to see comparable measurements at a glance. I think these have not been produced in like form before. Of course, fos cecora can be added to, and I shall feel indebted to
sportsmen who will contribute measurements, for I am not
vill PREACH.
producing this work in a completed form—it must grow. It is to be borne in mind that many trophies which have passed through my hands are now scattered all over the world, and the dimensions of them, for the time, are not recorded here. Some that I give now are fine measure- ments, some are only ordinary statistics, many are of new species altogether; these last being mainly a result of the quite recent opening up of Africa. The advice noted as to the way to measure must be dealt with strictly, for many persons measuring by different methods produce untrustworthy record. We have tried to be fair in pro- ducing the statistics, taking them rather under than over the mark; and the tape has not been pressed into corrugations,
but carried outside, over all inequalities.
Many gentlemen’s trophies I should lke to have mea- sured, but those specimens have either changed hands or are now in some remote part of the world, and the book cannot be delayed longer; but distance has not prevented
me from obtaining many important statistics.
& Male. Q Female. yes aoe ... Unrecorded.
LENGTH is expressed in inches, where not otherwise noted.
MEAsuREMENTS are on the outside of horn from tip to base. Circum-
ference is at the base; with Deer above first tine. Memo.—Horns that possess a core have a tendency to shrink. Wercuts taken on the field should be accepted as approximate.
P.Z.S., Proceedings of the Zoological Society.
12 for
“*pyaargus ” read
‘* Naivashce”’
** saltianis ”
ee hars ”
*¢ seemmerringii ” **asomaculatus ”
oe < ” pygargus. ** Naivasha.”
‘* saltianus.” 'Cearci “*soemmerringii. ” ‘*nasomaculatus, ’
HIPPOPOTAMUS TUSKS (Hippopotamus amphibius). Habitat—Africa.
Length round Circum- Across Eatin Ounce outside curve. ference. inside. 318 ot Abc de Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 302 Ly + | St. Lucia Bay Hon. Charles Ellis, 1870. 30 9 aa6 Do. 0. 29 Ox 14 se afc Rowland Ward’s Collection. 27k 8 : South Africa The late J. S. Jameson. 274 sec 30 Soc W. D. James. 2 8 A East Africa EK. Gedge. 263 74 123 ee aie | G. Portal. 254 a4 oe South Africa The Late J. S. Jameson. 25 Wi 12} Jes noe G. Portal. 244 a 12i ee Do. 231 7 eo ee ee Do. 19g Re East Africa Sir John Kirk, M,D., K.C.B.
* Weight, 15 lbs. the pair.
A 2
Habitat—Europe, Asia Minor, and North Africa.
Length outside
Circumference. Habitat. Owner. curve. | | IO ses India ... | Sir Samuel Baker, F.R.S., ‘* Wild Beasts and their Ways.” gt ese Central Pro- | J. Moray Brown. | -vinces, 83 23 | India... | Rowland Ward’s Collection. §} 23 Do. ee Do. | 8} 2i Do. so0 || 185 (Es (Ohi RE 8 21 | Do. ... | P, A. Bainbridge. 8 2} | 10%e5 boat | kta Gam @uicle: 75 23 Do. ... | P. A. Bainbridge. “4 23 Do. sem) |) en Ca Ouicke:
Borneo, &c.
Length. rn Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner. *64 23 33 e 36 b. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 63 3 Bhs ea ss ... | A. O. Hume, Private Collection. *52 23 31 aap sh . | B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 53 21 3s | =e is ... | Ilume Collection, British Museum. 51 | 2 34 , S. India ... | Sir Victor Brooke’s Collection. (Shot by Col. Douglas Hamilton.) 5 Ig 2 Do. 20% Do. 4% 21 38 Do. Kia Do. 42 13 13 F i . | Hume Collection, British Museum. 35 22 33 ae : as Do. *31 IZ Pe sie eae ... | B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. +22 1§ 3 Ningpo ... ... | R. Swinhoe, British Museum. tii ade 44 WOR x A. Mitchie, British Museum.
* Muntjacus virginelis. ¢ Cervulus sclateri. t Cervulus crinifrons.
SAMBUR (Cervus aristotelis).
Weight—6oo lbs. (about) ; 13 hands at shoulder.—Sir Samuel Baker, ‘‘ Wild Beasts and their Ways.”
Habitat—India, Burmah, and China.
pom Length pee : round | 34 > Tip to Tip. Widest | points. Habitat. Owner. outside.| 4 2 9 inside. | Og4 | | 2 : _ eee 462 | 62 244 | god) Beas oli: aes ... | A, O. Hume, Private Collection. 454) 63 17¢ | 324 | 3x3 | India ... ... | Dr. Falconer, British Museum. 45 72 225 332 | 3x3 | Mayoghur,Cent.) Sir John Morris, K.C.S.I. Provinces. 45 7i 442 vex) || 83 ge lars ore ... | Major-Gen. Arthur Ellis, C.S. I. 444 | 7% 443 454 | 3x3 | Rangeer, Cent. | Col. W. J. Morris, Provinces. 44 Owners’ measurements vie ace ... | J. D. Invararity. 432 | 52 | (single horn) eee 3 ee aes ..... Hume Collection, British Museum. 433 | 6 | (single horn)| ... eee aoe bia Do. 432 | 64 203 ZO Paleo Xai laces ee ... | Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 424 | 61 15 | 272 | 4x4 Ghauts of Sim- | Col. J. Evans, British Museum. rol. | 41g | 62 334 351 | 3x3 Major-Gen. Arthur Ellis, C.S.I. 4rz | 7 281 342. | 3x3|-- - +. | Hon. Walter Rothschild. 41g | 7% 312 | 362 | 4x3 | Nepal... ee | B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 413 74 | (single horn) | } 5 | we bse ve | British Museum.
SAMBUR (Cervus aristotelis)—continued.
a) Length | ‘2 8.5 E round Ea > Tip to Tip. Widest Points. Habitat. Owner. outside.| 2 g 5 inside. Ova eel ee. cle 81 above burr 4 Aen Nps. Coelkexs (Zhe e/a) Octa2e. 41 { round): t palmated | 3x 3 | North Gujerat } 1860.) 3 4oz | 58 33 Byes eR! | ke sae ... | Hume Collection, British Museum. | 401 | 62 284 32 | 3x3 | Neilgherries... | Sir Victor Brooke’s Collection. (Shot by Col. Doug. Hamilton. ) 40 ii 113 DALIT | Bx Bal wen wai ..- | Rowland Ward’s Collection. 40 54 322 36 | 3x3 | Ghauts of Sim- | Col. J. Evans, British Museum. rol. 393 | 62 | (single horn) | 2 | British Museum. 393 | 73 203 |, 26%.) 3%4 | oc a ... | Hume Collection, British Museum. 3914 | 6 163 PRON | Ane Ia aoe ag ... | H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh. 39 7s 24 Bee AeA lee Fr ... | Capt. Henry Streatfield. 38% | 6 | (single horn)| ... waa Woe vas ... | British Museum. 382 | 62 24 Pope lees aw || bce ee ..- | Major-Gen. Arthur Ellis, C.S.I. 388 | 6 28 Jobs xa8l ico | eo J. hommunan 38% | 6% 23+ PRE | ORICA BRS Bac ... | Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 383 | 52 55 en Goss ees cee een ajor= Gene Authored lige Ga sale 383 | 6% 304 35 | 3x3 | Neilgherries... | Sir Victor Brocke’s Collection. (Shot by Col. Doug. Hamilton.) 38 63 203 413 | 3x3 | Moharli Forest, | Sir John Morris, K.C.S.I. Chanda District, Cent. Provinces. 375 | 6 Ze BIS ESOGAS || acs ee ... | Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 372 | 5% 14 211 | 3x3 | Nepal... ... | B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 373 | 62 213 252 | 4x3 | Cent. Provinces | Major C. S. Cumberland. 37% | 5= 20$ PO | 3% Z| ws «2 + | HR. Duke of Kdinburph: 37% | 62 284 31 3x3 | Neilgherries... | Sir Victor Brooke’s Collection. (Shot by Col. Doug. Hamilton.) 374 | 5% 193 BOR Wearx 3) | se oe ... | Major Cumberland. 37 172% 52 16 Aise| soe pees ae |) UTR Major Briggs 37 64 27h ZOD SSK 30 | lees ak noe || LER ACS We lehinatiere 363 | 52 19Z 244 | 3x3 | Cent. Provinces | Major C. S. Cumberland. 358 | 64 193 2 | a4 | a 0 | EL ROH Duke of Bdinburphy
SAMBUR (Cervus aristotelis)—continued,
Length round
outside.| .
Circumfe- rence abov brow tine.
Tip to Tip.
Nepal... Bhotan
Nepal... India ...
Neilgherries ...
Cent. Provinces
Neilgherries ...
B. H. Hodgson, British Museum.
Capt. Goulburn, R.A.
J. Carr Saunders.
B. H. Hodgson, British Museum.
Sir Victor Brooke’s Collection, 1869.
B. H. Hodgson, British Museum.
British Museum.
B. H. Hodgson, British Museum.
Sir Robert Harvey, Bart.
British Museum.
Sir Victor Brooke’s Collection. (Shot by Col. Doug. Hamilton.)
. | J. Carr Saunders.
B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. EL. C@> Ve unter, Capt. Townley Parker.
B. H. Hodgson, British Museum,
| H.R... Duke of Edinburgh.
Rowland Ward’s Collection.
| British Museum.
Hume Collection, Brilish Museum.
. | H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh.
Major C. S. Cumberland.
B. H, Hodgson, British Museum. Do.
British Museum.
H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh.
St. George Littledale, 1875.
SAMBUR (Cervus aristotelis) continued.
oer FEE f . | Widest | p-:
des E : E Tip tomMips | ee. Points. Habitat. Owner. 318 | 53 217 ore gin3. |" Nepal... ve B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. a as 17x Bi | WAYS S23 ag | © acto oo Martyn Kennard. 31% | 52 | (one horn broken) | 1x3 | Nepal... = | B, H. Hodgson, British Museum. 313 | 52 203 272 | 3x3 | Deccan vis | Col. J. Sykes, British Museum, 312 | 68 312 324 | 3x3 Do. ae Do. 312 | 63 153 19 | 3x4 | Nepal... ... | B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 314 | 43 223 en | 33 | Indias; — 2. | -H.. RUM. Duke’ of Edinburah: 31 52 | (single horn)| ... 3 Des eee | H.R.H. le Duc d’Orleans. 31 53 fe) Wea 4Aeo se eepallen. ... | B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 302 | 5 112 198 | Ros & |) owen Oye Do. 304 | 43 21k PASM Be 234 sane vals cee |e CmVep unter: 20% | 52 15% 20% | 3x3 here a ott Do. 294 | 43 21k 225 Bras elndian... ... | British Museum. 284 | 5% 23 265 3% |. ) =. d | ERM. Duke of Edinbursh: 28 5 182 22% | 2x2 | India... _—... | British Museum. oie || Ts 264 274 | 3x3 | Neilgherries ... | St. George Littledale, 1875. 26% | 5% 124 16) | 3% 3: | ia oe «2 PAY Ox Hume, Povyate Collection: 26% | 52 225 23% | 3x2 | Neilgherries... | St. George Littledale, 1875. 23%) 45 Dye | 18h | 4x9 ls 2 — -:2¢/ EL.R.EL Dike of Edinburgh: 22 (single horn) | dar 7 Nagpore See | Sir Victor Brooke’s Collection.
(Shot by Lord David Kennedy.)
21 5 11} ony MOS ESPSE | ees ee ... | R. Lydekker, British Museum. 18} | 43 Hes oe lea x su lndiaee.. ... | B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 163 | 22 11} 12 | 1xt| Nepal... .. Do.
Habitat—Central and Southern India.
Circum-|} Tip to | Widest ‘\ference.| Tip. | inside.
Points. Habitat. | Owner.
| | 58 275 ||| — see 2x 3) Nepal)... ... |B. H. Hodgson, British Museum.
5s 18 ise? || Abe) || IDYO, coc Soc | Do. 44 ZOe || ace 3x3 | India ... ... | British Museum. | | | 5 Tes |) boc 3x4 | Nepal... _....| B. H. Hodgson, British Museum.
EQUINE DEER (Cervus equinus).
Habitat— Borneo, Sumatra, and Singapore.
Hecate | pede. | Poluts, Habitat, | Owner. 63 eae LO ele aly eee ae ... | Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 43 202 | 21+ '6(3x 3) sie aes sei | British Museum. 6 162 | 2OZ | BXI34) ose see ... | Hume Collection, British Museum. 52 19} Dom ses | o* Sas See Do. 4% 142 18f | AX 8 | i ae Ror | Do. 7 | 153 | Sac | 3x 3 | Borneo a | Il. B. Low, British Museum. 45 18? suo Fees Do. oe Do. 5g | 153 | le | eye ek |) ADYoy ie Do. 4% 13 ae | ae || 1DIe aor Do. 4: | 162 | 16% | 4x3 |... -... «| Hume Collection, British Museum. 44 us| | 3x3 | Borneo ... | H. B. Low, British Museum. eue | ayGiel kes) | De, a Do. 43 13} | Bras Do. seul Do. | | ae ce | Meee ocat ae: ... | W. B. Pryer, British Museum. 44 134 | nea) Sexes Do. ie: | H. B. Low, British Museum. 3h gt ane HO BUSC2 Do. stags Do.
SWINHOE’S DEER (Cervus swinhoii).
[Mr. SWINHOE on “Chinese Mammals,” P.Z.S. 1870, p. 646.]
[“ Cervus (Rusa) Swinhoii,” SCLATER. P.Z.S. 1862, p. 152; SWINHOE, P.Z.S. 1862, p. 364. |
In the central ranges of Formosa, near Mount Morrison, this brown deer is very common; and on a visit I paid to the wild tribes of
these parts in February 1866, I found them hunting the deer with dogs.
A place is cleared in the forest, where a party of men hide armed with matchlocks; the dogs yelp after the deer and drive them into the open, where the hidden sportsmen get easy shots at them. The son of the chief with whom I was staying had just returned from a successful battue with the robust antlers and flesh of a large buck. I induced him to return for the head, which he
had thrown away on the field. I was thus enabled to secure a fine skull for the British Museum.
The young of this species, about half-grown, is reddish brown, with the tail bushy and black, but reddish at its root ; sides of the body paler, and the belly blackish brown; legs pale towards the hoofs, the latter black; under surface of tail, abdomen, and inner sides of hind legs down to middle of shank yellowish white, the breast and belly being blackish brown; under surface of head and neck mottled whitey brown; crown of the head, with many of the hairs, tipped with black; from the occiput a dark line runs down to the base of the tail; ears blackish brown, tipped and margined with ochreous white, and whitish on their insides.
The adult, in summer, has its coarse hair deep brown, faintly mottled, rufous on the rump; between the fore legs and the thighs
ochreous white; tail bushy and dark. In winter it becomes a deeper brown.
The Society’s Gardens have had two or three examples of this animal alive; and Dr. Sclater is doing it justice in his paper for the ‘‘ Transactions.” Fig. 5 represents the antlers of a mature individual which I procured in South Formosa.
I have nct heard of any species of Rusa occurring on the main of China; but in Hainan the C. hippelaphus appears to abound. From North China we have the Cervus xanthopygus (A. M. Edwards), the Elaphurus davidianus (A. M. Edwards), and tke Capreolus pyaargus (Pall).
Length. See ‘Tp | Ha | Points. | Habitat. | Owner. : : side. | 19{ | 9 12g 3x3 Island of Formosa | Zoological Society, British Museum. 164 | 3§ 16 re seer: Do. _ British Museum. | 132 | 4} 134 360 4X4 | Do. Zoological Society, British Museum. Be | 2k 6} 506 PSE) Do. British Museum.
THE PHILIPPINE DEER (Cervus philippinus’.
[Sir VicTOR BROOKE, Bart., P.Z.S. 1877, p. 51.]
ADULT MALe.—Hair of moderate length and rather harsh. General colour, rich ruddy brown, darkest on the back and lightest on the neck. Forehead and cheeks rufous fawn-colour; dark (almost black) streaks commence over each eye, and, blending together, form a band running down the centre of the face, which is separated from the dark moustache-like mark bordering the muzzle by a narrow track of pale fawn-colour. Breast and kelly uniform brown. Tarsal gland plainly marked by a rufous spot. Ears of moderate size, covered externally by short close-set hair. Horns remarkably rough and massive; a powerful, long brow-antler, and one short tine directed inwards. Height at shoulder, about 27 inches.
The skull of this species is an exact miniature of that of Cervus aristotelis.
FEMALE.—In external colouration differs in no way from the
Younc.—Of a uniform brown, without spots.
Hapitat.—Island of Luzon, Philippines.
The Philippine deer is a very stout-built, short-limbed, powerful animal, in carriage and general appearance closely resembling the common Sambur (Cervus aristotelis).
Circum-| Tip to | Widest | , .- auc a Length. ee eine antic Points. Habitat. Owner. 13% 44 113 Ing | 3x3] Basilan Everett, British Museum. 135 | 48 | 124 | 123 | 3x3 | Philippine Islands Do.
(Cervus marianus).
THE late Sir Victor Brooke believed that Cervus philippinus and C. marianus were identical.
Habitat—Philippine Islands.
Length. | CtUM | Tip toTip.| Points. Habitat. Owner. 193 53 ah 4x4 | Philippine Islands... | Capt. Belcher, British Museum. 18% 52 OF eaexg5 Do. Do, 183 | 54 143 4x3 Do. Do. 18 48 13% 4x4 Do. Do. 15% 5s Giza S63 Do. Do. 143 42 $4 | Boxes! Do. Do.
I4 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. HOG DEER (Cervus porcinus). Habitat—India. Circum- Length, | ference above Tip to Tip. Habitat. | Owner. 19} 33 9} India A. O. Hume, Private Collection. 194 3} 163 | Burmah ... Sir Victor Brooke’s Collection. 19% 33 183 | India a er Gs Ve tiunter. 172 33 gt Nepal F | B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 174 34 Ot India 5 | J. Carr-Saunders. 17 2% 123 Do. j | EH. Gov. Elunter 16% 3 103 Do. . | British Museum. 164 22 9 Nepal : | B. H. Hodgson, British Museum, 163 33 93 India British Museum. 16} 2% 8 Do. . | H.C. V. Hunter. 164 2g 83 | Do. ast | Gen. Hardwicke, British Museum. 158 25 8 Do. British Museum.
HOG DEER (Cervus porcinus)—continued.
Circum- i 7 ; :
Length. |ferenceabove| Tip to Tip. Habitat. Owner.
brow tine. | | |
144 31 10% lPNepalia =. ... B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 14s | 2} ‘(single horn) [india 4") =. ... _ Gen, Hardwicke, British Museum. 14 3 83 io: ALR. Duke of Edinburgh.
132 34 10? Do. Ret ape | Gen, Hardwicke, British Museum. 13 34 123 Do. es ... Hon. Walter Rothschild.
123 3 103 Nepal ss: ... B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 123 3 125 incliaeeees ... | Gen. Hardwicke, British Museum. 11i 3h 9? Do. es ae | British Museum.
11+ 23 II Do. set ... | Gen. Hardwicke, British Museum. 9g: 3 | (single horn) | Do. Bee oe Do.
KUHL’S STAG (Cervus kuhli).
[Sir VICTOR BROOKE, P.Z.S. 1878, p. 902. ]
[1839-44. Cervus kuhlii, Mull. “Verh. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Bez. Zoo.,” p. 223, pls. 44, 45, figs. 12-14.
Halbitat—Bavian Islands. Type—Mus. Leyden.
THIS species was originally described by Muller from specimens collected by Diard in the Bavian Islands, to which locality the species, as far as is at present known, is confined. The auditory bulla in Cervus kuhli are largely inflated. By this character the skull may be distinguished from that of any of the Rusine deer, with the exception of C. porcinus. The skull of C. kuhli differs from that of C. porcinus in having the facial portion anterior to the orbits much more compressed, and the orbits much more prominent. C. kuhli has proportionally much longer limbs than C. porcinus; and all the hairs of the back and sides are annulated
in the former and not in the latter species. The young of C. kuhli are unspotted, which is not the case with those of C. porcinus. Both species are devoid of upper canines.
‘s < | | Circum-
Length. enaree je to Tip. aS | Points. Habitat. | Owner. 9} | 2% | 10g | 10g | 33263 Java... see | British Museum. MOLUCCAN DEER (Cervus moluccensis).
[Sir VICTOR BROOKE, P.Z.S. 1878, p. 904.] DIMENSIONS. Eng. inches. Total length of skull in a straight line et cae) Pk From ant. rim of orbit to free extremity of preemanillz Gal Length of upper molar series ... i re ae 18 . premolar series ae ae oe I"4 Greatest length of nasals =e ae ties ats ate Length of premaxille ... Ss sail sie aise 2°9 Across the lower rims of orbits at the widest place... 4°5 Length of humerus Ss ns nad ne aie 7°90 os TAGS. sax ae Bes He ae. act Gig r metacarpal cannon ... ae are wee 6°r ms feDNUT ki... ee sah ae ae ae O:7 - tibia, ees eee Se ize eee ae - Ogs oy metatarsal Cannon... ae adhe ee y| Habitat--Molucca Islands. Length. (ieum- Tip to Tip.| Points. Habitat. Owner. 364 43 183 Spohr Soe See | Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 83 4 Cie | aon | Batchian ... | A. R. Wallace, British Museum. 61 38 53 ... British Museum.
SWAMP DEER (Cervus duvaucelli).
Weight—About 40 stone.
Length round outside.
Circum-| Tip to | Widest
ference.| Tip. | inside. Points. Habitat. Owner.
41 5a (one horn | 6x6 |Central Provinces) Major C. S. Cumberland. (Shot in 1891.)
broken) 302 |] 5 353 | 372 | 5x6 | India... oc Do. 373 | 52 22a 2Se0) (7 xOulesne | laste ... | Sir Edmund G, Loder, Bart. 36 5 292 | 33¢ | 6x5 | Nepal... ... | B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 352 | 4% 27 ZOZN fee Ices se =e tte Vitor Brooke's’ Collection;
352 | 52 22a TEGO ce see 505 || Je (Cg We Ishirntiere.
342 | 53 pte eal meer’ 5 x5 |Central Provinces} Major C. S. Cumberland.
332 | 44 263 | 293 | 55 Do. Do.
334 | 53 B82 |... peas Do. Do.
32g | 53 22% | 263 | 5x6 Loe ie ... | A, O. Hume, Private Collection. 322 | 5 Pps Nose 6x7 | Capt. Henry Streatfield.
S28] 5 332 | 35 (549) || os. a ... | Sir Robert Harvey, Bart.
324 | 5% TOP Sag 757) ake .«. «o | H.RJH. Duke of Edinburgh. 31g | 48 26m eSOn else On ears he ... | Major Cumberland.
31g | 42 274 |. 30)| 7x 8 | Nepal... ... | B. H. Hodgson, British Museum.
18 GREAT GAME OF THE WORLD. SWAMP DEER (Cervus duvaucelli)—continued.
pea ee cal oe oot Habitat. Owner.
outside. 318 | 54 301 | 328 | 6x6 Central Provinces; Major C. S. Cumberland. 318 | 4% 262 | 303 | 5x5 IDYoy Do. 31$ | 43 224 | 263 | 6x6 | Nepal... B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 31 53 16 222 | 6x5 | Do. Do. 303 | 54 26 aie || Ysa yl A. O. Hume, Private Collection. 29$ |] 5 toh | 2234 | 8x8 Hume Collection, British Museum. 292 | 5 27 291 | 7x8 Do. 294 | 64 201 | 281 ... | Sir Victor Brooke’s Collection. 29% | 42 19g | 232 | 6x5 ‘ | Earl of Derby, British Museum. 29 53 248 | 272 | 6x6 | Capt. Henry Streatfield. 29 44 254 | 26 | 9x8 | Nepal... | B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 283 |] 5 24 252 | 8x7 | Hume Collection, British Museum, 27 ea) Se 232 | 263 | 6x5 | British Museum. 274 42 18 234 | 5x6 | Nepal... | B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 27 43 274 6x5 | Hon, Walter Rothschild. 26 5 28 6x5 Do. 25 32 232 | 233 | 6x6 [ Hie. W Efunter: 24 4 20 6x6 Do. 233 | 4 20g | 22% | 6x5 | Nepal... | B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 224 | 53 18 19? | 7x6 | Do. Do. 20 4% 17 6x6 M. B. Snell. 134 | 23 ro | rid] 4x4 | Hume Collection, British Museum.
SCHOMBURGK’S DEER (Cervus schomburgki).
[Sir VICTOR BROOKE, Bart., P.Z.S. 1876, p. 306.]
ADULT Matre.—Antlers with very long powerful brow-antlers, which are frequently forked; beam very short, and more or less laterally compressed ; upper part of the antlers strictly dichotomous, each of the main branches about equally developed, and in itself dichotomous, and furnished with long cylindrical tines. External surface of the antlers smooth and polished. Hair in winter rather long and coarse. General colour uniform brown, darkest on the nose and upper surface of the tail, and lightest on the cheeks and lower parts of the sides and haunches. Lower lip, belly, and under surface of tail whitish. Upper lip, occiput, and limbs with a decided tinge of rufous. The hair on the front of the metacarpal cannon bones is lengthened into an everted mane about 2 inches in length.
IMMATURE MALEe.—Antlers with the posterior of the two main branches less developed than the anterior branch.
Habitat—Northern parts of Siam.
Length.| Circum- ee Widest | Points. Habitat. Owner. 304 | 5 Tyee 38) | LOoe1OM|| siamle... ... | British Museum. 205 | 5% 238 | 26] 9x8 IDYoS Spo G0 Do. 292 | 42 25s5 este | toxin. |) Io: ... eae Do. 28% | 54 II 292 | Inx9Q |... .. «| Sir Victor Brooke’s Collection. 27% | 52 14 24% | 9x8 -| Siam ... ... | British Museum. 272 | 4% r8i | 24g] 7x8 IDX; dso: ios Do.
20 GREAT; GAME (OF, FTE ROE, BURMESE STAG or THEMIN (Cervus eldi). Habitat—Burmah and Hainan. Mieyeth | ec Sap te) My ices | Points Lent Habitat. Owner. ene ference.| Tip. | inside. | ~°7™=:/° -7°™ ve — = = all 398 5 312 | 362 | 20 See | elon es . | Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. (small points) | 38%.| 62 25% | 308 [16x19 India ... British Museum. 372 | 58 | 203 | 302 | 5x5 Do. Do. 37 64 314 105 Rowland Ward’s Collection. 36% | 52 282 | 312 | 4x3 A. O. Hume, Private Collection. 352 | 53 308 | 342 | 4x5 India ... British Museum. 34% | 53 27x 932) 0x6 Hume Collection, British Museum. 348 | 64 24 308 | 5x6 A. O. Hume, Private Collection. 34% | 5 24 324 | 6x6 Hon. Walter Rothschild. 34 5s 23% | 20% |10x 10 J. Carr-Saunders. 334 | Se 25% | 282 | 6x6 India ... British Museum. 335 | 53 40 15 Col. Pole Carew.
BURMESE STAG or THEMIN (Cervus eldi)—continwed.
. 5 . Length Circum-| Tip to | Widest . Length.) feence.| Ti ay coer Points. a ae Habitat. Owner.
334 | 53 25 20 em SETAE eceulll terse ie ... | Hume Collection, British Museum. 333 | 54 ZOLN |S BOU I Ses. ce bcd re SNe Do.
333 | 54 334 | 373 | 5x5 | ..- | British Burmah | Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart.
33) 48 ; DS Cees Dade he vote. || Csns te ... | Sir Victor Brooke’s Collection. Mea Gael? 20b.) <207 | 43)! 2 ile we ops | Gen. Sir Henry Collett, KC: B:
318 | 43 Basalt Sh eelOee 5 al wea lease cs ... | Sir Victor Brooke’s Collection. 314 | 4% 20 agp II (ey Ssx0) 1} Bea || bee ae ac Do.
Bie aG 25% | 29$|6x7/)| ... | Nepal... ... | B. H. Hodgson, British Museum, 303 | 43 234 | 258 | 5x5] ..- | India... ... | British Museum.
303 | 42 PON we We ell seq ||poe neo 00 Do.
303 | 42 FOR | 23% | 5.« 3 | «2.5 | Nepali. a Do.
29 62 20 242 | 6x5 | ... |... «++ | HumeCollection, British Museum. 273 | 48 27 EN eae PESOS tocol | lsc ise ... | Sir Victor Brooke’s Collection. 25% | 44 22 23S ACAI js leas wes ... | British Museum. |
25 4k TESS] PEE NES OP le eect ees ahs wee Do.
183 | 32 12} | 133 |5x6| ... | Formosa... | R. Swinhoe, British Museum. 17k | 3% 1Ze || 142 | 3x5 ne Do. ae Do.
15i | 2g 92) 102 || 32 |... Do. ee Do.
gk || 3% ite ye sx6 | ... | Siam ... °....| British Museum:
134 | 23 73 84 | 3x2] ... | Formosa _ ... | R. Swinhoe, British Museum.
iS) i)
PERE DAVID’S DEER (Cervus davidianus).
[Sir VICTOR BROOKE, P.Z.S. 1878, p. 906. ]
ANTLERS dichotomous, about twice the length of the head, pedestals short. The anterior branch of the antlers (b) more strongly developed than the posterior branch (c) and in adult specimens bifurcating and carrying many strong tines. Facial portion of the skull much elongated. Ears small and narrow; eye small; tail long; neck maned; stature large; young unspotted.
Distribution—North-eastern Palearctic region.
Circum-| Tip to | Widest : A : ference.| Tip. | inside. Points. Habitat. Owner.
325 | 63 138 | 183 | 8x8 | Near Pekin ... | Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart. 283 | 53 Ags le eo |) Byes}. || Gos ee ... | Hon. Walter Rothschild.
27 5s 2OE | Gre WOR | ace aes Sse | ritish Muserm:
JAVA DEER (Cervus rusa).
Length.) cae Tee wy idest Points. Habitat. Owner. 353 | 43 222 So |) SSS S |b TEMES Soc ... | Sir Victor Brooke’s Collection. (Shot by Col. Douglas Hamilton.) 34° | 42 | 16s | 173 | 3x3 Do.
(Axis maculata). Native Name—Chital or Chitra. Habitat—India. = aS Tip to Tip.| Points. Habitat. Owner. 373 44 242 | 4x4 | India A. O. Hume, Private Collection. 378 | 4 248 | 3x3 | Do. Do. 37% 44 16% 4x5 Do. Sir Victor Brooke’s Collection. 362 43 19} 4x4 Do. W. C. Oswell. 364 44 25 Beal Do. C7 Lissecley. 36 4i 252 3x4 Do. British Museum. 355 4 18} 4x4 Do. Sir Edmund Loder, Bart. 351 4t 224 Brae Do. Major-Gen. Ellis, C.S. I. 342 43 173 Do. H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh. 358 43 22 Be Do. British Museum. 348 38 148 | 3x3 | Do. Do. 343 63 155 5x4 Do. Capt. G. Campbell. 344 4t 204 Bx3 Do. Sir Victor Brooke’s Collection. 34 42 163 Do. Col. Pole-Carew. 33% 3g 22 4x4 Do. British Museum. 333 3g (onehorn| 3x3 Do. Do. broken) 332 43 134 Bie Do. J. Carr-Saunders. 333 43 23% 4x5 Central Provinces ... | Major C. S. Cumberland.
24 AXIS (Axis maculata)—coutinued. egal erenee eee ee | Cae ouside above ft Tip to Tip.| Points. Habitat. Owner. 334 44 20} 4x4 | India British Museum. Boe 44 22% 4x5 Do. Do. Boe 38 13 2x3 | Yeddacurra, South | Sir Victor Brooke’s Collection. India. (Shot by Col. Doug. Hamilton. ) 33% 3% 143 3x4 | India Sir James Anderson, Bart. 333 44 21% 3x4 Do. British Museum. 325 43 213 3x3 Do. Hon. Walter Rothschild. 32} 38 14 Bra8 Do. Sir James Anderson, Bart. 323 4+ 233 5x4 | Karkoor, SouthIndia | Sir Victor Brooke’s Collection. 323 3% 153 3x3 | Central Provinces ... | Major C. S. Cumberland. 313 3% 19s 5x5 | India British Museum. 31f 4} 22 6x6 Do. Do. 313 3? 10% eras Do. lab (Cy We Jali 303 4 103 Bbae Do. Do. 30% 44 212 4x4 Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 303 38 63 Beas Do. H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh. 20% 44 20} 3x3 Do. British Museum. 29% 3h 43 4x4 | Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 20% 38 163 3x3 | India Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 20% 4t 173 5x4 Do. British Museum. 29 3% 183 3x3 | Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum. 283 33 15+ 3x3 | India Martyn Kennard. 283 33 13% 3x3 Do. Rowland Ward’s Collection. 238 35 123 Boe 3) Do. Sir Robert Harvey, Bart. 27 34 83 2503 Do. Capt. Lewis Jones, R. E. 24? 34 19% 3ba3 Do. British Museum. 232 2% 11d Ase 3} Do. Do. 224 33 of 6x6 | Nepal B. H. Hodgson, British Museum.
bo Ot
JAPANESE DEER (Cervus sika).
SEVERAL herds of these Deer have been acclimatized in Great Britain, notably by the late Sir Victor Brooke, Bart., at Colebrooke, Ireland, and Viscount Powercourt, county Wicklow, as well as Sir Robert Harvey, Bart, at Langley, Slough.
Leng ee ee te eictc. | Points. Habitat. Owner. 314 | 52 Dep \| Blea || ALES || ace eee ... | Sir Edmund G, Loder, Bart. 253 | 4s 204 ase 4x4 “ee a6 ace Do. 224 | 34 164 193 | 8xg | North Japan... | St. George Littledale. 21g | 33 163 | 20% | 10x6 | Islands of Yezzo... Do. 184 | 32 ngs 12 9 Bred in Ireland ... | Sir Victor Brooke’s Collection. ioe || Bis 13 Aus 3) || Venera Soc ... | British Museum. 162 | 324 121 | 4x4 | Bredin Ireland... | Sir Victor Brocke’s Collection. 13g | 22 Vi ees 142 | 3x3 | Japan ... ... | British Museum. TGs || aa 62) 62 || 3x3 IDs oar 300 Do.
MANTCHURIAN DEER (Cervus mantchuricus).
[SWINHOE, P.Z.S. 1865, p. 1.]
Fine buck from Newchwang, still in summer coat, examined 30th September, 1864. General colour reddish brown; under neck and fore thighs covered with rather long dusky brown hair; hair of neck, chiefly on its back part and down part of the back list, long and shaggy; list black between the shoulders, fading towards
the tail, inner portion of hind thighs, and inside hair of ears; a large spot on the outer portion of ear near its root; rim round the eye and chin; throat white; body ornamented with large spots of white; tail, including apical hair, nearly one foot long; the hair that overhangs the roots of the tail on either side black; basal half of tail white; apical half black with white tips; under the tail and between the hams white; knees and front of tibice brown ; head, from crown to tip of nose, about 20 inches long; ear about g inches; forehead and before the eyes reddish; rest of face brownish fawn colour; horns, with frontal tine about 5 inches long, bent a little downwards at the tips; about 8 inches of the stem between lowest tine and the next above, which are broken and represented only by a knob; top stem between that and the top knob about
4 inches. Habitat—China. Length. Saal N° Points. Habitat. | Owner. 153 8 | 20 4x4 South Ussari, Mantchuria ... | British Museum.
FORMOSA DEER (Cervus taévanus).
Nl Circum- | Tip to
Widest | - : : feenice: | Tip. uae Points. | Habitat. | Owner.
Islands of Formosa ... | British Museum.
ot | 33 13 163 vas
27 WILD RED DEER. STOKE PARK DEER HEAD. RED DEER (Cervus elaphus). Habittat—Europe, Western Asia, and North Africa. By a ey ts! ees|55° Widest 522 22| TiptoTip. | spread Points. Weight. Habitat. Owner. Hes I BS inside. EB oOU Sisate i | st. Ib. | : 68 no 65 44 5 4 |Carpathians(?)) Lord Powerscourt, P.Z.S. (outside) (of horns)) 1862, p. 142. 483 | 6 30 41k 5x6 ... | IchaterDagh| H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh, (outside) (Crimea). 1874. 48} | 73 (single horn) 12 Asia Minor | Lord A. Hay, British Museum. 47% | 52 38 6x5 Caucasus... | St. George Littledale. 47% | 73 34 41¢ 8x9 Germany... | Sir Victor Brooke’s Collec- tion. 47 7k 36 Bye 6x7 Caucasus... | St. George Littledale. 462 | 52 18 33 8x8 Do. Do. British (7,000 ft.) Museum.
RED DEER (Cervus elaphus)—continwed.
Circumference between bez and trez tines.
Tip to Tip.
313 (single horn)
153 (single horn) 181
7*7 8x6 8x2
alformed) |
6x7 7X7 6x5 6x6 6x5
ipesif 7x8
Asia Minor
| Hungary ...
Asia Minor
Asia Minor
Caucasus... |
Do. Germany... Caucasus... Crimea
| Treland (age
8 years).
| Caucasus...
Ireland (age |
10 years).
Treland (age
Q years).
Ireland (age
12 years).
| |
St. George Littledale.
Major-Gen. Arthur Ellis, CiSs i 1ss6;
Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart.
St. George Littledale.
| Major-Gen. Arthur Ellis,
C.S.1., 1886. St. George Littledale.
C. G. Danford, British
| St. George Littledale.
E. N. Buxton. St. George Littledale. Do. Do. 1887. Do. British Museum. H.R.H. Duc d’Orleans. British Museum. Major-Gen. Arthur Ellis, (CSS rSso: H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh. Sir Victor Brooke’s Collec- tion, 1886. St. George Littledale. Sir Edmund G. Loder, Bart.
Sir Victor Brooke’s Collec- tion, 1881.
| H.R.H. Duke of Edinburgh.